Unit 2 Groombridge Yard, Chartham Hatch, Chartham Hatch, Canterbury, Kent, CT4 7NE
We design and create beautiful gardens for domestic, corporate and commercial clients. We are also specialists in garden labyrinths and mazes. A family business established 27 years, we offer the highest standards of workmanship and service. This has enabled us to become past A.P.L.National Award Winners and Hampton Court Flower Show medal winners. We are also contractors to other garden designers who value high quality and accurate implementation of designs and a good working relationship.
Les Vosges, 1 Bigbury Rd, Chartham Hatch, Canterbury CT4 7NE, UK
Unit 2 Groombridge Yard, Chartham Hatch, Chartham Hatch, Canterbury, Kent, CT4 7NE